Site preparation is key. First, you will need to remove all Nettles, Thistles, Docks and Grass

and any other weeds. You can spray the weeds using a Glyphosate weed killer or you can pull/

dig them up.

You are aiming to produce a weed free tilth in order to promote healthy germination and zero

competition. Weeds and grasses grow much faster than wildflowers and so, will therefore

out-compete and eventually take over the wildflowers.

Wildflowers do not like overly fertile soils, so there is no need to add compost. If the topsoil is

already very fertile it may be worth removing and replacing with some subsoil.

Cultivate the site to a depth of around 10cm for free draining soil and 25cm for bad draining or

compacted soil. This can be done with a fork, rotavator or on large areas, a plough.

Once you are ready to sow, measure the area so you can work out how much seed you will

require. Typically this will be between 2g-5g/m².


Sowing is recommended through the Spring months of March and April and then again in

August-September which is the natural seeding time. Although you can sow throughout the

year, providing you have a good tilth prepared and way to keep the seed bed watered.

Make sure to check what type of soil you have and check the PH if you can. Some wildflowers

will only grow in certain soils and PH levels. For advice on what kind of soil you have give us a

call to speak with one of our advisors.

When sowing your seed, for small areas where you are sowing by hand we suggest mixing the

seed with some fine sand in a bucket and then spread the whole mix evenly over the area. This

will ensure an even spread of the seed.

Once sown, rake or harrow the area to mix the seed in the soil to approx. 0.5cm in depth.

Afterwards, it’s best to roll the area to compact the soil slightly. If it’s a small area, it can be

carefully pressed in by standing on the area.


Future Maintenance of your Wildflowers will ensure a happy and healthy bed. Whilst they are

low maintenance it is worthwhile putting some time into looking after your wildflower seed

bed for best results.

In the first year after sowing, weed control is a priority. If weeds are present they can be

controlled by pulling the weeds out by hand or using a hoe, we would not recommend using

any weed killer sprays as these will kill the wildflowers too.

You will only see the Annual wildflowers in the 1st year. Unless re-sown.

In the 2nd year after sowing, the companion grass and wildflowers will be established and

annual weeds will be out-competed, meaning less maintenance.

Perennial & Biennial plants will be seen flowering in the second year. The Perennials will then

flower every year after. The Annual/Biennial plants will be seen if the seeds are distributed

after cutting and before removing the cuttings.

Wildflowers should be cut twice a year, once in the spring which should be a very light cut to

even out the growing for the flowering season. They should then be cut again in late autumn

after all of the plants have produced a seed head. The late autumn cut will help distribute seeds

produced by the wildflowers this cut should be done with a topper or strimmer so the seed

heads are not mulched as this will defeat the purpose of the cut. The clippings should then

be removed from the site and shaken out as best as possible to ensure all of the seeds have

dropped onto the ground. This will keep the annual and biennial flowers coming back year

after year.

Sowing Rates For Wildflowers

5g/m² - Mixtures containing Grass (80% Grass 20% wildflower)

2g/m² - Pure 100% wildflower Mixtures

Companion Grass

Mixtures can come ready mixed with wildflower seed for sowing. We suggest a ratio of

80:20grass to wildflowers. The grasses are slow growing and low maintenance and the grasses

will not out compete the wildflowers.

Different Types of Wildflowers

Annual- these perform their entire life cycle from seed to flower to seed within a single

growing season (mainly Cornfield Wildflowers are annual).

Perennial- they persist for many growing seasons but you will not see them flower

in the first season (most Wildflowers are Perennial).

Biennial- they require two years to complete their life cycle,

they flower in the second year only. For example Foxglove.

Check Out our Wildflower mixtures here!

Wildflower Glossary

Post By Will
