£329.22 ex VAT£395.06 per Pack


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£329.22 ex VAT£326.52 ex VAT£325.18 ex VAT£324.60 ex VAT
Pack size: 2 x 10L

Aminaid Amino Foliar is a specially designed formulation of amino acids for foliar application to supplement other fertilisers and turf chemicals. This formula is taken up by the foliage resulting in a greater stress tolerance. Additionally, it aids the uptake of nutrients, improving the efficacy of other nutrient programmes. 

  • Increase nutrient uptake 
  • Improves stress tolerance in plants 
  • Tank-mix compatible with a variety of products 
  • Increases efficacy of other fertilisers and turf chemicals 

Aminaid should be applied before and during periods of stress that may affect the turf such as drought, temperature extremes, salinity or excessive wear.

Recommended Application Rate: 5L/Ha in 300L/Ha of water. 

Apply 2-3 applications 10-14 days apart during critical growth stages or during periods of stress. 

Aminaid is a range of biostimulants based on 17 different amino acids that stimulate growth and boost protection against stressful conditions. 

For prices of more than 7 bags please contact the office.