The 8% dry matter seaweed liquid solution is a concentrated biostimulant that contains an organic source of trace elements and plant stimulants.
Recommended Application Rate: 20-80L/Ha in 300-500L/Ha of water.
Seaweeds are a valuable biostimulant containing a host of plant active substances and nutrients. These stimulate the plant's own response to stressors, enabling the removal of damaging antioxidants, promoting growth, as opposed to the plant suffering cell damage or dormancy. Liquid seaweeds are particularly important for helping turf deal with periods of stress whether from drought, heat, salinity or periods of high traffic.
Vel-Sea extract is packed full of 17 amino acids, plant growth hormones, carbohydrates and trace elements. It can be applied as a foliar or soil application to provide rapid benefits to the turf.
For prices of more than 7 bags please contact the office.