£428.06 ex VAT£513.67 per Pack


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Pack size: 2 x 10L

BestWet is a liquid non-ionic wetting agent that has been developed for use on amenity grass, golf greens and tees. It is designed to help prevent the occurrence of Localised Dry Patch (LDP) which prevents healthy grass growth. 

Best Wet will allow water/moisture to move down deeper into the rootzone by lowering the interfacial tension between water and other substrates. It also enables water to spread out laterally throughout the soil profile giving maximum stress relief to all plants and reducing vital plant count loss. 

Non-scorch. Some surfactants can have powerful emulsifying effects on hydrophobic materials - overuse (too often or at too high concentration) can potentially strip away important constituents from the plant and lead to a 'scorching' effect, 


Monthly: 20-40L/Ha in 400-800L/Ha of water. 

Every 90 Days: 50L/Ha in 600-800L/Ha of water.